Tuesday, March 17, 2009

In with Obama, out with religion.

If the Obama revolution succeeds, America can pretty much kiss religious values and morals goodbye.

Or at least this is what W. Bradford Wilcox thinks in his article, “More Government, Less God: What the Obama Revolution Means for Religion in America.” Wilcox uses Europe to look into America’s crystal ball and see what awaits us if our new president succeeds in his revolution of misleading hopes and promises. Obama stepped onto the political stage and promised CHANGE CHANGE CHANGE. Unfortunately, the American people did not realize what kind of change they were welcoming.

Wilcox thinks that over time the Obama revolution is “likely to erode first the religious and then the civic and moral fabric of the nation.” He predicts this using the outcome in Europe after nations, such as Sweden and Denmark, implemented government spending and policies similar to what Obama is beginning to launch in the United States. These Scandinavian nations have some of the largest, most extensive welfare programs in the world, and because of this, up and coming youth are less concerned with taking care of one another and their families than earlier generations—they rely on the government to do this. Additionally, instead of turning to faith and church to obtain comfort in trying times, individuals are turning to the government for comfort and provision. Wilcox predicts a similar trend developing in the US: as the US government takes control out of the hands of the people, individuals will have less dependence on themselves and less desire to find personal comfort and satisfaction within the church. Furthermore, Wilcox thinks regular church-goers are much more likely to partake in community service and uphold traditional moral values, so with a decline in church attendance, he foresees a decline in the moral fiber of American society.

Like Wilcox, I do not doubt the sincerity of Obama’s religious outreach to the American people, nor do I doubt his enlightening charisma that obviously attracted so many followers; but like Wilcox points out, an overwhelming majority seems to be distracted by his liberal social policies and failing to analyze his economic policies that are undoubtedly leading America straight for Europe’s fate. If America is not suffering enough from the lack of traditional values and morals in our contemporary media society, the decline of religion, which is sure to result from Obama’s planned welfare monster, is certainly going to cleanse our declining nation of any traditional, moral value that is not steadfast.

If only the American people had learned from the Cubans: Fidel Castro was also extremely charismatic and gave inspiring speeches that promised change for the common people. Sound familiar? The poor and middle classes came out in masses to cheer him on, and they handed him the reigns to lead their distressed nation. Again, sound familiar? The change he promised was intoxicating; the people believed every word. Need I go on? We all know what Cuba has gone through and where the nation stands today.

A religiously destitute, morally impoverished, government-dominated society seems to be in the cards for the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave, all we can do now is hope for the best. As we like to say, “In God we trust!” Although, as Wilcox points out, if Europe is any indication of where we’re headed, maybe that saying should be revised to “In government we trust!”


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