Tullian Tchividjian is right, the church is suppose to be in the world and not of the world but at the same time, the church must stay up-to-date with the times and adapt its operations in order to fit into the modern day lifestyle. In his article,"Church Should Counter Culture," Tchividjian overstates the efforts of the church to adapt its structure to fit in with a changing culture. The roots and essential functions of the church remain the same despite a willingness to modify traditions in order to appeal to a wider audience. For example, many churches have more casual dress codes today than 50 years ago because the leadership recognized that not everyone has disposable income to spend on clothes that they only wear on Sundays. Likewise, the church has begun to implement new programs to attract the youth; however, the overlying message of the programs remains the same and that is to bring people to Christ.
People like Tchividjian are too tied in tradition and have made the church more religious than spiritual and that is dwindling church membership more than people resisting change. Instead of being focused on keeping traditions, focus on saving souls. The church undoubtedly plays a role in the social and political lives and views of people and therefore must fit into people’s daily routines. One cannot expect church members to live double lives. Stay in tune theologically and let your church members take care of the rest.
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13 hours ago
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